The Party of Reagan and Lincoln

In Kent County, Maryland

Sign up for the Stars & Stripes Clay Shoot!

Election 2024 – Abortion Amendment Info

Read more about the "Reproductive Freedom Amendment", a.k.a. "Abortion Amendment":

Kent County GOP Members

Who We Are

The members of the Kent County Republican Central Committee (also known as Kent County GOP) are elected in the primary election every four years during the year of a gubernatorial election.

The newly elected members take office following the gubernatorial general election.  Membership of the committee is set at seven members, elected at large.

All members must reside in Kent County and be registered to vote as Republican.

The Kent County GOP meets monthly.

Karen Kemp-Docksteader

James Gillman

Holly Geddes

Dawn Sutton

Our Philosophy

We are the voice of Republicans in Kent County, Maryland.  We are not part of the professional political class. We are just a bunch of regular people who love their country and county, and believe in the American exceptionalism.  We are part of the Trump movement and therefore we support our President's political and economic agenda! Our humble desire is to promote and defend the Republican principles of small government, freedom, and free market capitalism against the aggressive rise of Progressive-Socialist ideas that have taken over politics over our culture, traditions, and values.

In the spirit of tolerance to other points of view, we are open to any constructive dialog, new ideas, suggestions, and even criticism.  We cannot wait to hear from you!

In the end, just a reminder to all of you, that Kent County GOP is also the official link between Maryland GOP and the people of Kent County who share our vision.  Please continue to check our website and Facebook page.

Subscribe to Our Mailing List

By subscribing to our mailing list, you will be notified of any announcements and events going on in the Kent County area.

Let us keep you informed!


News & Notes

Lincoln Day Dinner 2023

Tickets available at:

Your Republican Slate for the 2022 Election

Print out this slate for reference and keep it handy while you’re voting at the polling place.

These are our Republican candidates you should vote for to keep conservative American values in Kent County, the Eastern Shore, and the state of Maryland.

Get the Printable Slate


Lincoln Day Dinner 2022

The Kent County GOP invites you to our Lincoln Day Dinner with special guest speakers Marc Schifanelli and Gordana Schifanelli!

Tickets are on sale now online or by mail.

Click to Buy Tickets

Find Us in Kent County News

In the June 17th edition of Kent County News, you will find our prominent half-page full color ad thanking our EMTs, Fire Fighters, and Police Force. 🇺🇸
Thank you, Republicans of Kent, for joining in our efforts to support our law enforcement and first responders.

Find Us in Tidewater Trader

If you pick up this week’s Tidewater Trader you will notice our latest published ad with a message directed to Conservatives like you in Kent County. 🇺🇸